Woofs at Whitten Woods: A guided hike with your dog


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Jul 18, 2023

Woofs at Whitten Woods: A guided hike with your dog

Squam Lakes Association and Lakes Region Conservation Corps will host a guided hike with your dog around Whitten Woods in Ashland on Sunday, Sept. 3, from 8 to 11 a.m. (Courtesy photo) HOLDERNESS —

Squam Lakes Association and Lakes Region Conservation Corps will host a guided hike with your dog around Whitten Woods in Ashland on Sunday, Sept. 3, from 8 to 11 a.m. (Courtesy photo)

HOLDERNESS — Join the Squam Lakes Association and Lakes Region Conservation Corps members Shea Morgan and Jasper Redican for a guided hike with your dog around Whitten Woods on Sunday, Sept. 3, from 8 to 11 a.m. Participants will aim to hike the north peak trail at Whitten Woods in Ashland and will stop at the north peak trail viewing spot for a snack and break, and to take in the beautiful view as long as the weather is good. Plan for a 2 mile hike over moderately difficult terrain, with moderate changes in elevation.

Participants will meet at the Whitten Woods trailhead at 8 a.m., located off of Highland Street in Ashland. Participants should bring their dog, and anything he/she might need (leash, harness, water, treats, etc). Dogs must remain on their leash at all times, should be dog friendly, people friendly and under your control at all times. Limit the number of dogs to no more than two per handler. SLA and LRCC reserve the right to ask any participants to leave if their dog exhibits aggressive or overly distracting behavior, this is for the safety of others and to keep the program running smoothly.

For more information, or to sign up for this free Adventure Ecology program, visit the SLA website (squamlakes.org) or contact the SLA directly 603-968-7336. The SLA also offers other Adventure Ecology programs throughout the year. These free programs are open to the public and cover a variety of nature and conservation related topics.

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